World War I is often called the “Great War”, and for good reason. There is not a single continent on Earth that was not impacted in one way or another, and the ramifications can still be seen today.
WWI brought women out of their homes and into the work force, paving the way to eventual equality between the sexes.
Following WWI, a disgruntled Chinese public began to rally the country together once more in order to rise to the position of power they held for centuries before the rise of Western imperialism, leading to a series of economy-boosting revolutions.
The Ottoman Empire was systematically dismantled and reassembled by the Allied Powers after WWI ended, grouping together warring tribes who are in combat to this very day.
Women in the Workplace
With most of the country’s able-bodied men fighting in the war, the home front found itself greatly lacking in laborers. The need for goods was only increasing as the Great War raged on, and women began to fill the positions left by draftees. Millions of women world-wide were leaving their domestic tasks for employment in munition factories and fields. While the impact of WWI on women’s suffrage is debatable, women had the opportunity to prove to the world that they were capable of more than house-keeping, and stake their place in the workforce.
China’s Rise to Economic Power
Though the Hsin-Hai Revolution brought an end to dynastic rule in China, the repercussions of WWI began an intellectual movement that eventually solidified the success of the Communist Revolution in 1949. At the end of the war, China sought to have the land that was lost during battle restored to them, namely the Shandong Province. The Western Allies paid little attention to the Chinese representative’s demands and rewarded Shandong to Japan in the Treaty of Versailles, creating a unified feeling of betrayal throughout China.
The proceedings in Versailles left the Chinese people feeling powerless in this new Western-dominated world. Students of Peking university and other schools gathered in demonstrations against their spineless government and the betrayal of the Allied powers at Versailles. Though these protests did not accomplish their objective of reclaiming the Shandong Peninsula, the movement succeeded in bringing China’s various classes together and creating the Communist Party. The intense focus on science and experimentation during this period established radical thinking intellectuals who would go on to rally workers and peasants, ultimately leading to the success of the Communist Revolution. The new Communist government drove out the parasitic financial, comprador and speculative classes who had drained China of its wealth since the British and Western imperial conquest of the East.
Dividing the Middle East
The aftermath of WWI presented several opportunities for the Allied powers to claim lands that had previously belonged to Germany or her allies. One of these territories is present-day Iraq. At the end of the war British occupied territory that would later become Iraq, Palestine, Trans-Jordan, Syria and Lebanon, and Britain’s military success made her the dominant presence in the region. Boundaries were drawn without regard to the land’s inhabitants or historical divides, causing conflicts between ethnic groups which would later be exacerbated by the discovery of oil in this region.
About the Author
Aileen Lopez is a writer and the Outreach Director for the Morgan Law Firm, a firm that represents clients going through a divorce in Austin divorce firm. See additional articles on the firm’s Austin Divorce Blog.
Russia is a crazy place and thereâ??s no denying that. This article will explore some stuff Russians have done or are known for.
Even the Nazis Were Scared of Russians
During WWII Nazis were scared of Russians. One of the reasons was that the Russian soldiers wouldnâ??t cry out when shot. Also Russia itself is a cold and scary place. Youâ??d have people like Vlad and Dmitry shooting at you in the freezing weather. In fact the Russians fought against the Germans with the same determination the Germans had; that in itself was scary for the Germans.
Vodka means â??Little Waterâ? in Russian. Itâ??s hard to deny a stereotype when your national drink means little water.
The average pure alcohol consumption of Russians aged 15+ is 15.76 liters per capita per year. This puts Russia in 4th place in the world for highest alcohol consumption. Russia also has the highest rate of alcohol addicts. 17.61% of males aged between 18 and 65 are dependent on alcohol. Similarity Russia has the highest alcohol-related mortality rates in the world. A Global Status Report on Alcohol and Health presented by WHO states that:
By far the highest proportion of alcohol-attributable mortality is in the Russian Federation and neighboring countries, where every fifth death among men and 6% of deaths among women are attributable to the harmful use of alcohol.
Creative Protestingâ?¦
A feminist pun-rock band named Pussy Riot became active in Russia in 2011. Their band isnâ??t really about music but rather about getting a message out there. Pussy Riotâ??s main message is that they donâ??t like the president of Russia, Putin.
As you can tell from this video their music isnâ??t the best. It actually gave me goose bumps.
I may not understand Russian but I understand that their music is horrid and I have a feeling that so is their message. Some of the members have been arrested and others fled fearing prosecution. I donâ??t blame the government at all. Even with all the winter ear muffs it should be a crime to let the Pussy Riot play in public.
Others have been inspired by the Pussy Riot and have even created their own protests. One of these protests was the touching of 1000 boobs in Moscow.
After watching this video for 20 minutes video I posted specific seconds of the video where you could clearly see underage girls being touched. One even looked as if her mother was making her get her boobs touched by this â??protesterâ?.
I got a response saying that thereâ??s no age of consent in Russia. After researching it, it turns out to be 16. Ironic enough this protester was protesting against a corrupt government while touching some underage girlsâ?? breasts in public. Iâ??m sure itâ??s going to raise the self-esteem of all those ladies! Iâ??m also sure this is improving Russian reforms!
Other Crazy Stuff
From the videos Iâ??ve seen on YouTube, it seems like a common thing for bears, dogs, and other beasts of nature to attack people on the streets of Russia.
If itâ??s not a video of animals attacking humans itâ??s a video of Russians car curling down snowy roads.
Winters in Russia are terribly cold. The average temperature is -4 Fahrenheit. Russian winters have been known to thwart invasions on many different accounts. One of them was a failed invasion by Napoleon in 1812, and also Hitlerâ??s invasion in 1941. In both cases the Russians were better equip against the conditions; possibly because of their strong spirits. Maybe itâ??s the combination of alcohol and cold weather that causes them to do crazy stuffâ?¦
In general it seems the Russian people have become accustomed to doing crazy things, cold weather or not. The crazy Russians below are in shorts but they’re not satisfied until they put their lives at risk. The pedestrians walking by don’t even show that much interest indicating that Russia is crazy on the average day.
I also have a small inclination the weather isnâ??t cold enough in Russia. Who makes a pool in the middle of a frozen lake? Russians, thatâ??s who. Why? Because itâ??s just not cold enough.
Russians and Guns
I think this goes without saying but Russians also love guns. They get the best of all worlds, alcohol, oil reserves, and guns.
Dmitri may not be Russian. But he calls himself a professional Russian and has made Russian promotion mainstream. He deserves a mention with his video of shooting guns while pepper sprayed.
Planning Your Trip to Russia
Russians at heart are very friendly people. You might have to look out for gun wielding Russians, and people fighting off polar bears with bear cans, but you will definitely enjoy your stay there. Russia has many beautiful places to visit. It would be a great experience to go swimming in ice water or skiing on mountains. Thatâ??s definitely something you can brag about to wherever it is youâ??re from. Just make sure to plan your trip ahead so you donâ??t end up with a handful of surprises.
The Killer Bee — such an ominous sounding name. Killer Bees are really called African Honey Bees and are descended from southern African Bees.
These bees were imported into Brazil in 1956 by scientists who were attempting to breed a honey bee that could better adapt to the South American tropics. In a twist worthy of a horror movie, some of the bees escaped quarantine in 1957 and started to breed with the local Brazilian honey bees.
Moving at distances of over 200 miles per year, the killer bees have made it all the way up through Central America and in 1990, they infiltrated the states. Starting in Texas, and quickly appearing in Arizona and California, they are spreading over the southern United States with speed. At this point, there are said to be about 100 colonies in Texas, 6 in New Mexico, 14 in Arizona, 1 in Nevada, and 4 in California. And through swarming, which is the process by which bee colonies replicate, the killer bees are steadily moving northward.
Any bee is enough to send most people scurrying away to safety, but a killer bee takes the fear to the next notch. These African Honey Bees are known to respond quite viciously to even small disturbances, including vibration or noise from vehicles, equipment, or passing pedestrians. While the venom of the killer bee is of the same potency as a honey bee, they attack intruders in much larger numbers and ten times as quickly. They also pursue their perceived enemies for a much greater distance, going as far as 1/4 mile from their hive and for as long as 24 hours after the incident.
African Honey Bees are less picky in their choice of a nesting place than native bees and are thus thriving. They will make a hive in natural or man made objects — walls, hollow trees, attics, porches, sheds, utility boxes, garbage cans, abandoned vehicles. They are also likely to stay near canals, drainage ditches, and retention basins as they like to be near water. When the killer bees sense rain, they swarm, much more often than local honey bees. The Queen African Honey Bee can lay up to 1,500 eggs a day.
With their incredible tendency for survival, it is easy to see why so many people fear killer bees. And attacks do happen. In May of 1991, the first person to be attacked in the US was stung 18 times while moving a lawn in south Texas. In July of 1993, Lino Lopez, an 82 year old man from Texas, was the first to die in the US from killer bee stings. He was stung over 40 times while trying to remove a hive from a wall in a building on his ranch. In 1993, an older woman in Arizona was killed after disturbing a large African Honey Bee colony in an abandoned building on her property.
These bees are dangerous and can easily harm you if you accidentally disturb a colony. But they are not hunting humans or intentionally out to get anyone, so if you steer clear of hives, there is no real danger. Most human deaths from bee stings happen to people who are allergic to the insect. And we must remember, that bees are responsible for the trees, flowers and food in our life. At least one meal per person per day is possible because of the bee, and we should try to respect that.
Every now and then an App comes along that is just so perfect, so addictive or simply so well marketed that it becomes a part of the cultural lexicon.
This article is not about those apps. For every barnstorming success, there are hundreds, if not thousands of apps that never made it. The interface was just slightly off, the concept didnâ??t take hold, or it simply wasnâ??t the right time. Or they were grossly offensive. Below are 5 of the strangest, most controversial apps to ever hit the market:
Exodus International
The now-infamous â??gay cureâ?? app sent you videos, events and news stories carefully selected to help you â??growâ?? into heterosexuality. Designed by a company in favour of (among other things) electro-shock therapy for homosexuals, the app caused understandable outrage on release, despite being awarded a 4+ â??nothing offensive hereâ?? rating from Apple. After a petition collected over 80,000 protesting signatures the app was pulled, but not before causing a massive PR headache for the company. Similar problems were found with the Manhattan Declaration app; a sort of â??Christian Quizâ?? that would ask questions on things like homosexuality then mark you down if you answered from a progressive viewpoint.
No matter where you stand on the Israeli/Palestinian question, or what you think of Mossadâ??s activities over the years, you can probably agree that a violent overthrow of the Jewish State is not the answer. Try telling that to the makers of ThirdIntifada, a protest app that linked to a website dedicated to organising violent clashes along the Syrian border. Yuli Edelstein, the Israeli Information Minister, contacted Steve Jobs direct to get the app pulled; resulting in what we imagine must have been the most grovelling apology in the history of email.
Knocked App
If Juno taught us anything, itâ??s that teen pregnancy can be hilarious. Enter the producers of Knocked app; an app that allows you to take pictures of friends with a great big full-term belly grafted on and distributes the â??happy newsâ?? via Facebook. With the slogan â??1 in 3 teens fall pregnant. Help make that 2 in 3â?? and a trailer that does its level best to emulate the South Park model of causing maximum offense; weâ??re calling shenanigans on this deliberately controversial app. Likely destined to be a hit with the â??rebelâ?? market, Knocked perhaps proves conclusively that the secret to download success is not wit, intelligence or charm, but simple provocation.
Baby Shaker
The makers of Baby Shaker decided teen pregnancy wasnâ??t nearly amusing enough and went all the way to infanticide. Using the app caused a picture of a crying baby to appear onscreen, with the goal being to shake the phone until a pair of cartoon crosses replaced the babyâ??s eyes. Yep, the entire point was to make a joke out of dead babies; a joke which, for some reason, didnâ??t sit well with some people. Apple banned the app following an outcry, although how it made it to the market in the first place is anyoneâ??s guess.
I am Rich
Need the world to know youâ??re both rich and soulless? For $999.99 you could download this useless little app, consisting of a spinning jewel screensaver andâ?¦ literally nothing else. The whole point was to show how loaded you were by blowing a chunk of change on something completely useless. It was released in summer 2008, which you may recall was the point the world economy plunged screaming into an abyss, making the app that much more repulsive. 8 people managed to purchase I am Rich before it was yanked, presumably turning their useless little screensavers into even-more valuable collectorâ??s items.
Planning a controversy of your own? Make sure you have the bandwidth to take the strain with web hosting from
Human medical experiments are usually carried out to discover new fascinating things about the human body and how it works.
With any experiment, it is all about the interesting findings; however, some of the time the medical experiment procedure itself can be a little bizarre. Here are the top five most unusual human medical experiments.
LSD Testing
In this video, we see a group of Royal Marines in the 1960s that were given the hallucinogenic drug LSD to test out on a field exercise. The point in this experiment was to find an alternative way of neutralising the enemy in a non-lethal manner. By watching this video, you can see the results that are gathered are clearly hilarious more than anything else. For instance; many soldiers forget about their objective, where they are, experience fits of hysterics â?? and even one chap climbs up a tree. All in all, we can safely say that the scientists concluded that LSD is an effective party drug more than anything else.
Rollercoaster Asthma
CC Via Flickr
In 2007, the Amsterdam University department of Psychology conducted an interesting study. The study consisted of 25 heavily asthmatic young women andâ?¦.rollercoasters! The experiment wanted to explore the nature of emotional stressâ??s effect on dyspnoea (laboured breathing). During the rollercoaster journey, scientists examined the blood pressure and heartbeat of the women to find some pretty interesting results. What the scientists found was that the individualâ??s dyspnoea is related to their emotional state â?? that their breathing was more laboured before the ride (when they were scared) than after it (when they were relieved).
Lying down for 370 days
CC Via Flickr
In 1986, eleven men were selected to spend three hundred and seventy days solely lying in a bed â?? without moving. The purpose of this study was to test how the body would react to a complete lack of gravity â?? for the purpose of astronauts travelling long distances through space. During the study, the participants were not allowed to move from the bed â?? so the subjects wrote letters, watched television, ate & drank all from a prone lying down position. During the year the men experienced great physical and psychological stress â?? and had to do regular exercise to combat the body from degenerating all from their bed.
Randy Gardner
In 1964 Randy Gardner put himself to the test to see how long he could stay awake for. Randy made himself the experiment â?? and managed to stay awake for 264 hours. During the study, J Ross monitored his health and investigated health changes â?? witnessing delusion, hallucination, mood swings & paranoia. However, even though Randy put his body & mind under intense pressure â?? he recovered quickly and fully with no known last psychological symptoms. Randy went out to prove that you could go without sleep for a long period of time without bad things happening to you. Randy definitely succeeded in proving this.
Stomach ulcers
CC Via Flickr
Barry James Marshall destroyed decades of research which stated stomach ulcers were caused by foods that were spicy, stress & excess amounts of acid. However, Marshall found it hard to prove to the scientific world that his theory of bacteria H. Pylori was the cause of stomach ulcers; and the majority of the time, he was scoffed at. So, what did Marshall do? He drank a whole petri dish of the bacteria H. Pylori in hope that in a year or so he would develop stomach ulcers â?? and in two weeks he had proved his theory to the world.
As you can see, there are plenty of unusual human medical experiments out there which raise all kinds of interesting questionsâ?¦. Though you can be sure however pointless an experiment may seem, there is always a reason for it!
This article has been provided by Cancer Research UK they provide support for those dealing with breast cancer.
Battles of the second World War were perhaps more violent than those of any other conflict.
Countless soldiers, sailors and civilians lost their lives in the fighting between the Axis and Allied powers. Anyone interested in studying this military action should keep in mind that statistics represented real people.
Each individual killed in action was a real human being, and many of them had families. Entire households were depopulated by the horrific combat that typifies modern mechanized warfare. While numerous historians have focused on lives lost in the various atrocities of the war, innumerable people died fighting for their countries.
Battle of Leyte Gulf
1) Some people consider the Battle of Leyte Gulf to be the largest naval battle in all of world history. It’s also notable as the first battle that featured organized kamikaze attacks. The Allied victory was so decisive that Ozawa Jisaburo later wrote that Japanese surface forces became strictly auxiliary after the fight. By opening up the Leyte Gulf, Allied forces were able to invade the Ryukyu Islands in 1945. After the last shots were fired, over 10,000 Axis forces were killed. This is shocking when one considers that around 1,500 Allied forces were killed in the same fight.
Battle of Crete
2) Few victories in history have been quite as pyrrhic as the Axis one at the Battle of Crete. While German and Italian forces were eventually able to route the allies, the death toll may have exceeded 4,000. Considering the fact that some of the defending troops were essentially Cretan civilians, the battle was something of an embarrassment. Adolph Hitler personally forbade any further large airborne operations because of the large number of causalities that were suffered by German paratroopers during the fight. Interestingly enough, this was the first battle in which the Fallschirmjäger were deployed.
“Gibraltar of the East”
3) Singapore was a prized outpost of the United Kingdom, and the Japanese were intent on taking it between late 1941 and early 1942. The nickname “Gibraltar of the East” illustrates just how vital Singapore was to British efforts in the area. While the British possessed 85,000 troops, the forces there were slow and tied down. Mitsubishi A6M Zero fighters lead an air assault that also featured Mitsubishi G3M and G4M bombers. There were around 9,500 Allied troops killed and an additional 5,000 wounded. However, the real cost of human life came later. After all, 120,000 Allied troops were captured.
The Leningrad Blockade
4) The Leningrad Blockade wasn’t a battle in the conventional sense. However, there were over 2 million members of the Red Army killed between September 8, 1941 and January 27, 1944. Ultimately, there were over 4 million causalities. 642,000 civilians lost their lives during the siege and 400,000 more lost them during the evacuations. Operation Barbarossa was a violent and prolonged military action. In fact, an entire article could be devoted merely to those who lost their lives on the Eastern Front. Many more supply crews lost their lives during the harsh winter while they tried to get food and equipment from one side of the city to the other.
Battle of Kiev
5) While the Battle of Kiev might not be as popular among historians as the actions at Stalingrad or Leningrad, this battle was remarkably bloody. Total Soviet causalities were actually higher than the total strength of the USSR’s military forces in the region. Hitler called it the greatest battle ever, and the Soviets were forced to include many civilians and others in the fighting. The battle was an absolute bloodbath that featured the rapid advance of deadly panzer divisions. The Soviet officers apparently hadn’t fully grasped the complete danger of the situation, and they paid the price for it.
Gary Goss is a military historian and guest author at OnlineMilitaryEducation, a site with reviews of top-rated online GI Bill colleges.
So youâ??re old mobile has come to the end of its usefulness and itâ??s time to start looking for a new phone thatâ??s within your budget.
In this article we are going to review a new Android app that has appeared on Google Play called the Mobile Phone Deal Search Tool which has been designed to help you do just that.
Mobile Phone Deal Search Tool
If you hate trawling the web visiting site after site back and forth again and again looking for the best handset deal, you will love this app. It has been designed to present you with as much or as little information as you request. So if you are looking for a contract, pay as you go or sim free handset thatâ??s what it will show you with options that max out at your specific handset + specific network + specific free gift.
Search Options
The search options available on the Mobile phone deal search tool are really no different than you would find on websites like Phones4u or the CarphoneWarehouse however the in app options have been neatly packaged and organised in a logical manner. Working from left to right you have handsets, networks, free gifts, popular and cheapest offer and finally the option to choose how many deals you want the app to show you.
Once you select an option the app makes the selection of extra search options easy by including a next button which helps you comfortably navigate through them. I loved this little added extra and believe it to be a huge plus, mainly because if youâ??re anything like me I like my apps to work quickly.
App Design
The mobile phone deal search tools design is what you would expect from an app designed for this purpose. The search options are placed across the top with the results displayed below. How the results are displayed has been designed to be easily understood at a glance e.g. Handset chosen followed by price, tariff including any mobile data allowance, minutes, texts, monthly cost if a contract, extra offer details such as cash back and finally the option to buy from the retailer the offer is available from.
App Usability
From a usability standpoint the mobile phone deal search tool does what itâ??s supposed to, however I believe the fact that the app needs to be resized using pinch to zoom or zoom in and out buttons which are in the bottom right hand corner of the screen could be seen as a negative. Whether this is a true negative will come down to user preference though as at least this allows the app to be used in all screen sizes.
Mobile Phone Deal Search Tool â?? Should you use it?
Apart from the previously mentioned zoom to fit option this app does exactly what it was designed to do, provide specific handset offer search results. I believe that the developer has provided an extremely useful free app; itâ??s definitely one that I would recommend trying it out if you are looking for a new mobile phone.
Author: Darren Wall is an avid follower of all things mobile technology related and likes to write about the latest smartphones, tablets, operating systems and apps.
Itâ??s now officially the largest caving system in Britain.
The Frozen Deep has just wrestled the title from Yorkshireâ??s renowned Gaping Gill – by the equivalent of a large detached house.
Nestling under the Somerset countryside near Cheddar Gorge, The Frozen Deep with its vast chamber of stalactites, stalagmites and flowstones has just gone into the record books.
At 2,981 square metres in total, it is officially bigger than the legendary Yorkshire cavern â?? by just 252 square metres – after being pain-stakingly explored and excavated by speleologists in the south of the country.
Most Stunning Formations Imaginable
The huge chamber â?? around the size of an aircraft hangar â?? contains some of the most stunning formations imaginable, including two pure white columns of calcite rising from the rocky floor.
The discovery is testament to the dedication of a team of enthusiasts known as the Tuesday Diggers, a group of local cavers who have been working on the project in their spare time for over four years.
Granted exclusive access by the Longleat estate which owns Cheddar Gorge, they had concentrated their efforts on a side passage to the main cave, and broke through to a 20 metre long rift. By removing a large slab of rock, they were able to crawl into what they dubbed the â??Resurrection Chamber,â?? which in turn led them to a loose boulder slope with a 12 metre drop at the end.
Returning to the cavern with rope and tackle, they descended into darkness â?? to find the largest chamber ever discovered under British soil.
The Frozen Deep has been calculated to reach 30 metres high and around 60 metres in diameter, formed by water wearing away the limestone on its journey through the Mendip Hills.
Mendips Have Become a Mecca for Cavers
The geological outlay of the area has made the Mendips a Mecca for cavers; in some places tonnes of prehistoric animal bones have been discovered, and one â?? Avelineâ??s Hole at Burrington Combe â?? has been proven to be the earliest scientifically dated human cemetery in existence, with remains from burials that took place some 10,400 years ago.
The discovery of The Frozen Deep has already led to speculation that it may be the start of something even bigger. Cavers everywhere are now asking if there may be a hidden link to the nearby River Cave – and over the next few months work will be undertaken to find out if there could be a connectionâ?¦in what would be an even more amazing piece of underground detection work.
Nicki Williams writes for Gear-Zone, online specialists in outdoor clothing and equipment from leading brands The North Face, Rab, Berghaus and Wild Country
This contribution is written in memory of caving enthusiast Bob Cawthorne of LlÃber, Spain
As we approach Halloween, letâ??s take a look at the shadowy side of the usually dazzling Hong Kong.
The horror movies, the haunted houses and the events that are taking place for Halloween 2012. We all know and love Hong Kong for being illuminated, fast-paced and exciting, but what about its more mysterious side?
In Hong Kong it is believed that people who have died in unnatural ways come back to haunt the place they died. House vendors are legally required to let buyers know if this has happened in the property and people carry out thorough checks on potential homes to avoid hauntings! There are even macabre listings of houses ( people have died â?? often carrying huge discounts!
The more famous haunted houses of Hong Kong include the Museum of Coastal Defence, which has its own White Lady apparition, who scares the life out of security guards over the years. In 2003, a group of daring teenagers visited the famously haunted Nam Koo Terrace (aka the Wan Chai Haunted House). Here, visitors claim to hear the voices of tortured women. Three girls in the group had to be taken away by police and sent to hospital in hysterics and apparently â??possessedâ??.
Hong Kong has produced its fair share of creepy horror films. Theyâ??re definitely not ones to leave with the kids and the babysitter if youâ??re heading out this Halloween. Arguably the best is 2002â??s â??The Eyeâ?? – a particularly scary movie, where a blind girl is given her sight back through the magic of medicine and all sorts of horribleness ensues. Like most good Japanese and Chinese horror movies, this one was remade in Hollywood, starring Jessica Alba. Of course, everyone in Hong Kong will know The Troublesome Night horror-comedy series which ran for a whopping 19 films!
Hong Kong Ghost Stories was the title of a 2011 film; but the real ghost stories of the city island are even spookier. University Hall, for instance, has a series of animal statues that are said to curse any student who touches them â?? leaving them unable to graduate. The nightlife of Star Street was disturbed when workers removed a shrine in the area and unleashed ghostly decapitated heads, which wailed down the street in protest. Luckily they were subdued with the shrineâ??s reinstatement.
Hong Kong Halloween Treats honours the cityâ??s multiculturalism and hosts lots of events for the scariest time of the year. For 2012 there are various costume parties, including Oceanâ??s Park where a â??Terrors of Hellâ?? party is being held, with a state-of-the-art 5D world ( For a street party that wonâ??t be like the ones seen in the UK for the Queenâ??s Diamond Jubilee, head to Lan Kwai Fong Halloween Street Party. Entry is free, just beware of the skeletons and fiery ghosts that will â??illuminate the black nightâ??. Terrifying!
There are special events at the leading tourist hotspots too. Disneyland ( has a â??Grave Academyâ?? which is enlisting visitors to be vampires or werewolves (inspired by the Twilight series presumably!). Madame Tussauds ( is holding make-up sessions and giving away creepy stickers. Discovery Bayâ??s â??Double Scary Nightâ?? ( sounds like a great event for the kids â?? a fluorescent ghost party, bouncy castle and pumpkin patch.
Wherever you end up and whatever fun you have, just make sure you finish recounting your frightening adventures by the time New Year arrives â?? the Chinese New Year that is â?? as telling ghost stories at this time is strictly taboo and will bring you bad luck. You have been warned!
Looking for a hotel near Ocean Park this Halloween? Well why not visit HotelClub and book a room at the Cosmopolitan Hotel.