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Pencil is a really great (and free!) app that makes it easy for parents and groups to communicate, manage sign up sheets, spreadsheet lists, and much more. The app is also available on Android.

For fans that want to learn more about the app and everything behind it, they can follow Pencil on Facebook and Medium.


Whether you’re a group manager or a group member, this app will make your life easier. You can use it to create reminders, schedules, parties, message members, share pictures and files, create announcements, access group member information, sign up volunteers, and much more.

Mission Accomplished

I haven’t seen any other comparable app on iOS that brings CRM efficiency to groups and parents. The user interface of this app is also very slick and easy to navigate.

Room to improve

While using Pencil, I wasn’t able to find any glitches or shortcomings. Pencil members can even set passwords for their groups, access groups from the app, web, or email. The developers have seriously covered every organization need with this app.


If you’re in an organization then this app is a must-have for managing groups or staying updated.

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Remember when you could walk over to your friend’s bookshelf and look through the books they’ve read or their music collections and find something you would enjoy? That’s exactly what Lister, developed by Notelr, lets you do with restaurants, bars, hotels, and other venues.

Lister is like the digital bookshelf for locations in which you can create lists and share them with friends. Friends can even chime in and add their own locations to those lists.


To start a list you just need a title, a date, and a location. For example you could start a list titled “Best Hotels in NYC” located in NYC. Then you can open it up and start adding hotels from the list of hotels in the area. Friends that view your list can do so either through a regular list, or through the visual map which shows where each hotel is located.

Each hotel can also be tapped on to gain more information such as phone number, ratings, hours, and website. If your list is about bars, national parks, or other sorts of attractions, the app still loads in all the information about that area such as phone numbers and hours.

Mission Accomplished

This app is free and there are no ads in sight. Not to mention that it doesn’t bug you with any in-app purchases. This means that from the moment you download this app and start using it, you’re getting the best experience possible without having to invest any further.

The idea behind sharing locations through lists, just like we used to be able to share our bookshelves and music libraries, is also really creative and useful in today’s day and age.

Lister’s user interface and features are also really great.

Room to improve

I wasn’t able to find out how to add custom locations to my lists. It appears that you can only add locations from Lister’s database of hotels, bars, restaurants, parks, and other venues. This is a setback because if you want to add a new place to your lists, you won’t be able to find it in the database and there’s no way to input a custom address.


If you’re looking to share great places with your friends, and vice versa, then Lister is a must-have app.

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Over the past year, things have been pretty hectic with the government and its breach of privacy. People all over the world have been shocked by recent NSA revelations that uncovered massive breaches of the constitution or even security company bribes.

However, the NSA isn’t the only agency in the world that spies on its people and other countries. Germany, France, China, Russia, Zimbabwe, Syria, Iran, New Zealand, Bahrain, Canada, Vietnam, and the United Kingdom have all been discovered to spy on their people in some way or another.

The majority of the spying that agencies worldwide partake in is facilitated by weak internet security. Not by weak computer security of consumers. I literally mean the backbone of the internet itself has horrible security.

All spying agencies have to do is setup a few nodes around the world that pass internet traffic through their devices which then route it back to their buildings and backup systems. That means that any email, conversation, or message you send over the internet (including iMessage and Skype) is most likely being recorded and stored (and backed up) indefinitely.

To protect against such privacy breaches from your government (or other governments that your internet passes through) your only option is to encrypt all of your internet traffic: so that even if it is compromised, it will be encoded so that no one else can look at it.

Meet avast! SecureLine VPN.


SecureLine VPN is an app that sets up a virtual private network (VPN) connection on your phone. Without a VPN all of your internet traffic is more or so available to anyone to record and save forever. With a VPN, all of your internet traffic is encrypted.


When you visit a webpage your computer makes the request for the page through your VPN, then your request travels to a remote computer which then makes the request for you and forwards you the data. This way you’re not only protecting your identity and IP from websites, but all of your traffic is also safe.

The only caveat is that your traffic has to be encrypted by your VPN provider once it arrives to their computers. Using a VPN provider that is not trustable is really risky. The reason avast!’s VPN solution is so great is because avast! itself is a security company. They provide computer users and businesses with antivirus software as well as other security solutions. If there was one company you’d trust with your internet traffic it’s avast!

Mission Accomplished

Setting up the VPN profile on your phone is quite simple with avast!’s SecureLine VPN and can be done in under a minute. Once you’ve got it setup the internet speed is extremely fast even though your traffic has to travel twice as much through the VPN connection, not to mention that it has to be encrypted and decrypted as well. This is one of the fastest VPN services I have ever used.

There are plenty of locations to pick from to optimize speeds (ranging from US and UK locations). Not to mention that there is also a traffic compression mode which lowers your data usage by compressing webpages.

Room to improve

I didn’t see an option for buying a 2 or 3 year subscription. Which is a bummer for the people out there that just want to buy a VPN and not have to worry about it for a good while.


Even if your private life is “innocent” and won’t get you in trouble if every government is looking at it and backing it up, doesn’t mean that you should have to accept such a privacy breach. avast! SecureLine VPN is an app that is really worth every penny if you value your privacy.

This app is free for 7 days so you can determine if it’s right for you, but after that you will have to add another month for $2.99 or another year for $19.99.

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Tic Toc Timers is an application created by Sliday Ltd. It is free and available on the iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.

This app is truly extraordinary when it comes to productivity software. Tic Toc Timers allows you to run multiple timers for different tasks so that youâ??re always on top of your goals.

Each page can hold up to six timers on it. Timers can be added to a page with their own custom icon. Timer icons do not only help you remember what youâ??re timing yourself on, but also have their own alarm sound. The unique icons and alarms make it easy for you to remember what you need to do when the timer is up.

You could add a cup icon timer to remind yourself to get a cup of coffee with a friend tomorrow, an egg timer to remind you about the food you need to buy at the store when you get home, and a phone icon to remind you to call your friend later.

When an alarm goes off youâ??ll see the icon and hear the specific sound, so youâ??ll quickly be reminded what you need to do. This application takes the Get Things Done system to the next level by allowing you to manage not only reminders, but also time for tasks you need to complete.

Mission Accomplished

Multiple pages of timers let you time a lot of tasks at a time. With over 20 different timer icons you can also rest assured you wonâ??t run out of meaningful timers.

Room to improve

It would be nice if you could add notes to timers for free. If you buy the egg timer through the in-app purchase you can add a food list to it.


Since this app is free itâ??s definitely worth a try. If you like getting things done or always forget things, then Tic Toc Timers is a great solution for keeping yourself on task.

Virtual Reality. Sure...

When you think of virtual reality you probably think of failed 1990â??s goggles. I know I do. Recently there was even talk of the Google Glasses which turn out to have been a lot of hype and no actual delivery. The features of the glasses Glasses donâ??t even look that promising. But thereâ??s something else on the horizon and its fast approaching.

Meet the Oculus Rift

The Oculus is an â??upcoming high field of view (FOV) consumer-priced virtual reality (VR) head-mounted display (HMD)â? created by Palmer Luckey. What does that mean for us? Well for starters the Oculus is virtual reality like never before. What was once a dream is actually now becoming reality. Itâ??s really, really, really cool.

Virtual Reality Goggles

The Oculus Rift

Field of view refers to the viewing angle that you have. When you play on the Xbox 360 you focus on a T.V. monitor. Any turns in the game will still be relative to the square T.V. monitor. Your focus never changes. But with the Oculus Rift you are fully immersed. When you turn your head in any game your entire field of view turns.

Any game works with the Oculus Rift. Would you like some clarification? Any PC game can easily be modified to work with the Oculus Rift. By the time it is commercially released most games will be able to be played via these new virtual reality goggles.

The Device Itself

The field of view is more than 90 degrees horizontally and the total resolution is 1280×800. The headset uses two separate screens for each eye. This creates a 3D stereoscopic effect that has an effective resolution of 640×800 for each eye. Basically each eye gets a different image just like in 3D movies and your brain combines the images to create a 3D effect.

To achieve the best virtual reality a low latency head tracker is used called Adjacent Reality Tracker. It utilizes 3-axis gyros, accelerometers, and magnetometers.  The head tracking will control the field of view in game. How many devices do you own that you can be proud to say feature 3 gyros and magnetometers? If the answer is dismal you may want to buy this thing as soon as it comes out.

Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality

Currently you can preorder the Oculus Developer Kit and get access to the Oculus SDK for a mere price of $300.00 USD. The expected delivery date is January 2013, and thatâ??s when developers are going to get their hands on this awesome product.

The Funding

The virtual reality goggles themselves are homebrew. Pieces and bits of available technology can be put together into the Oculus Rift to create something amazing. Itâ??s easy to get the parts together and itâ??s cheap too.

The hard part is marketing. Oculus has to make sure that when they release these virtual reality goggles everyone will want them. Since nothing like this has never existed the game market is small. In fact there is no market. To create a market you need developers who will adopt virtual reality and who will incorporate stereoscopic view in their games. Really all they need to do is (1) incorporate the head tracking into the game, and (2) â??implement stereoscopic 3D rendering and optical distortion adjustment that produces the correct left/right eye on the deviceâ?. Any game that works on 3D T.V.â??s will work on these goggles. In fact Oculus will probably make a driver that automatically adds head tracking to games. A huge range of games may already be 100% compatible with the Oculus Rift.

Backers for Virtual Reality

Backers for Virtual Reality

So to get the market flowing Oculus will have to entice developers first. And they sure have enticed every developer and game enthusiast around. Their Kickstarter project asked for $250,000, and instead they got over $2.5 million funds invested in their goggles.  9,522 people are backing this developer kit to be precise. But thatâ??s all we can see publically. The Kickstarter has ended. Oculus has taken funding into their own hands and setup a pre-order page on their site. We can speculate that even more people have been investing in this amazing developer kit.

All the raised money is going into making the product better such as: bringing the refresh rate down so that the screens can achieve 60 frames per second. Although itâ??s believed our eyes canâ??t tell the difference between 30 FPS and 60 FPS itâ??s not the eyes the developers are raising the frame rates for. Itâ??s for our brains.  Eye tracking is so precise that your brain can detect low frames in the virtual reality goggles. Many early users of the Oculus rift noticed a lag in the visuals. This is because your eyes track motion way faster than the 15 â?? 30 milliseconds refresh rates on the screens. One of the main goal of Oculus is to bring the refresh rate down to single digits to improve the lag when eye tracking.

What others have to say

The lucky people that have gotten to try the early prototypes (held together by duct tape) have been amazed by the level of immersement.

Even the current CEO Brenden Iribe was skeptical when the startup approached him with Oculus Rift. He has this to say about the actual experience, â??Then you click it on and youâ??re like, â??Oh shit, this is amazingâ??â?.

Iâ??ll tell you this right now. The goggles themselves are perfect and out of this world. This is simply the most innovative product we have seen since the invention of gaming consoles. It is hot. It may possibly fail but the way everything is looking right now is great.

John Carmack is a head leader and believer of the Oculus Rift. He is the co-founder of Id Software and head developer of Commander Keen, Wallenstein 3D, Doom, Quake, Rage and their sequels. During a presentation on virtual reality at QuakeCon 2012 Michael Abrash of Valve said â??I personally would like to get our games running on the Rift and make it a great experience and then ship it for that, I would like to do that. Whether that will be the case, whether weâ??ll be able to make it work that well and whether weâ??ll think the experience is that great, thatâ??s not my decisionâ?.

So far the expectancy of seeing this product explode is really high.

One small issue:

When you use a controller to turn in game your entire field of view will turn as well. Your brain wonâ??t detect head movement similar to the visuals. Imagine turning around 360 degrees in game while you only moved your head 140 degrees. That might cause some issues that people are discussing.

Not to worry. Oculus is already on it. They will be dynamically changing the point of view and making sure the latency is as low as possible to eliminate motion sickness. When you are playing say Modern Warfare 3 on your T.V. you center of the T.V. is always your crosshair. What Oculus is saying is that they are going to dynamically change this center point to fix the issue.

Most likely the issue will be eradicated by the time it is released for consumers. No one has really reported too much dizziness after using the virtual reality goggles more than once. The only problem is if you use your head to turn it will make it hard to turn around all the way. But if you use your controller to turn 360 and your head remains stationary it will really mess with your head.

As for eye strain there will be none. Eye-crossing, headaches, out-of-sync effect, and so forth will not be a symptom of using these goggles as is common with 3D glasses or head mounts that are close to your eyes.  When using the Rift â??your eyes are actually focused and converged in the distance at all times. Itâ??s a pretty neat optical feature, for sureâ?.  Palmer Luckey, the founder of Oculus Rift, says that all the optics make it â??appear as if you are looking at a huge screen focused at infinityâ?.

Virtual Reality

Line convergence

The screens warp the image around your field of vision that creates the illusion of reality. Straight lines slightly curve into the center. Iâ??m not an optics specialist but I figure this is because our eyes are round and light enters in at an angle, thus lines arenâ??t going to look 100% straight.


With such a great product in the making itâ??s interesting to see what sharks will come in for the kill. We can expect Google, Microsoft, Sony, andâ?¦ Possibly Apple may have their eyes on this technology. Not necessarily for the purpose of gaming but for the purpose of full immersion. If a big investor picks up Oculus Rift it will certainly make a lot of game enthusiasts very happy and prices are going to drop. Then competition would be very interesting afterwardsâ?¦

Doom 3 BFG comes with the developer kit and is the first game to officially support the Oculus Rift. Epic Games, have also announced that their engine Unreal, will integrate support for the Oculus Rift. The Unity engine has also announced support for the Oculus Rift. Star Citizen, a space simulator that is yet to be released is also supporting Oculus Rift. Hawken is an online shooter that will also support this new virtual reality.

John Carmack also stated that he is going to heavily integrate Doom 4 with the Oculus rift.

The future is looking good after all 🙂


Can’t wait for the Oculus Rift to come out? Don’t want to put it together? Can’t afford to pay $300 for a prototype? Have no worries! Hasbro is here! With my3D you can get 2% of the Oculus experience for 3% of the price!

Article written by Octavian Ristea


Tux, the official mascot of Linux.

Linux is an open source operating system that was first developed by Linus Torvalds in 1991. Since then Linux has become very popular and is being used by consumers and corporations around the world.

The nature of Linux being open source gives anyone the ability to change the code, update it, and even sell it. This allows the operating system to always be centered on the user and provides the utmost customization.

One of the most popular Linux distros for home users is Ubuntu, which is what this article will focus on. There are other distros out there such as Mint, Fedora, Arch, and Gentoo which are very similar but serve different purposes.

What is Linux

Linux is very different from an operating system such as Windows. It is much more fast and reliable, and uses less system resources. You can change anything to your liking in Linux. The operating system is also more secure than Windows or Mac OS X.

Although Linux is free to use it doesnâ??t necessarily mean it is as awesome as you think it may be. Linux cannot run the same programs that Windows or Mac OS X runs; and there is also a lack of consumer applications. Ubuntu may advertise that it has an impressive market, when it is really not so impressive. Gimp replaces Photoshop, Blender replaces Maya, Audacity becomes your music editing program, and so forth. These programs are all free but free isnâ??t always better.

Designed by Geeks for Geeks

Linux was started as a hobby and creating a new operating system is often the hobby of computer nerds. Although recently many Linux distros have started to offer â??app marketsâ? where you can install apps with one click; Linux still remains hard to use for the average user. Sometimes you will download an application and it will look like this appname.tar.gz. You canâ??t click on it to open it. That doesnâ??t work.


Linux Terminal

Instead you have to go into the command prompt (terminal), navigate to its location, unzip the file using some parameters, and then become superuser and install the application. You donâ??t have to be a computer wiz to find out tutorials for this sort of stuff, but itâ??s so simple and so annoying you will be turned off by it after a while.

Is Free Really Better?

If you want to understand the dilemma of free software, think of a freelancer that wants to work for you for free. He claims he has no portfolio but he will work for free, he doesnâ??t want to intern, just work for free. Sure it sounds great but it makes you wonder about the quality of work you will actually be getting. After all if he is so good then he must be worth your money.

In a similar case when I first started graphic designing I was very inexperienced. When I would submit my work I would often include many variations and other ideas. I would do the same with web designing. Linux is similar in this way because it has more than two different graphical user interfaces. You can download distros in KDE or GNOME GUIs. Since so many people work on Linux distros, and there is no mothership overseeing everything, most of the time many different variations are created and implemented.

Of course I learned that when I submitted my work only one design should be good enough. Same goes with operating systems. Think about iPhones, they have the same distinct look every year rather than the hundreds of non-iPhone products that come out with so many useless variations.

iPhone Timeline

It has long been believed that Linux users make up less than 1% of computer users (statistics agree, but Linux lovers don’t). While I agree with this percentage for consumers, it doesnâ??t really represent the corporate use of Linux. As of August 2011, more than 60% of servers were being run on Linux.

More than 90% of the top 500 supercomputers in the world run Linux.

So who is Linux for?

I would say that Linux is not ready for the public masses and will probably never be. Although it used to be advertised to regular consumers as a ploy to increase Linux users, people just ended up frustrated and reinstalling Windows. In my personal opinion I think Linux is for people that want to experiment with operating systems, need to revive an old machine with a less intensive OS, or are able to put in the work necessary to learn more about Linux. Also if you are only using your computer for music, movies, word processing, photos, and internet browsing, then moving to an operating system such as Ubuntu would make your computer usage more secure.

Linux is advertised as really safe from viruses and malware; although this is true, Linux doesn’t directly control how secure it is. Mac OS X also claims the same thing. The truth is they are secure because only 10% of computer users use Mac OS X, and 1% use Linux. It is called security through obscurity.

Would a hacker waste his time writing viruses that will only work on less than 1 out of 10 machines, or even worse, 1 out of a 100 machines? So for now if you value your security then moving to Linux may be a smart move; but the more the user base grows, the more security will decline. (Please don’t start using Linux in that case 😀 I like not worrying about trojans and what not.)

Everything is made for a purpose and I don’t think Linux is made for the average computer user. There is no question though when it comes to running a server, Linux is superior.

Consider automobiles to understand this concept. The automobiles we have today are much easier to operate than the automobiles of the 1920’s. Today we have electric starters, automatic transmissions, power brakes, and automatic chokes. Also, the manual transmissions of today are easier to use, and today’s cars require much less maintenance.

Linux fanatics might complain that automobiles are designed for idiots who do not want to learn anything about their car, and for idiots who are too lazy to perform work on their car. But a more accurate description is that cars have become so advanced that we no longer need to learn much about cars in order to use one. Today, even a child can drive one.

Young children with no computer skills can turn on a Macintosh and perform useful tasks without much training. Windows is almost [just] as easy to use. However, Linux is so stupid that the users must learn about operating systems and then help Linux function.

It is easy to create software that requires a lots of training and configuration; it takes talent and lots of effort to produce software that is easy to use.

Article written by Octavian Ristea.

No one wants to get into trouble with the police and especially when they are travelling abroad or around the country.

 The problem is though that many of us simply don’t know what the laws are regarding particular things and this makes it particularly difficult not to break them.

For instance do you know what the law is regarding talking on the phone in every state in America? About jay walking? Do you know what weapons you’re allowed to keep in your home in the various parts of the country? What you might have been doing just fine in one part of the country for a while can suddenly become no longer acceptable and this of course can get you into trouble. Here then we will look at some ways you can avoid this being a problem when you’re next a fish out of water, just as you can help find your way around using your maps apps etc.


There are plenty of app on the Play Store that have been designed to help you keep track of the law and its changes and these range in effectiveness when it comes to ensuring you don’t make any legal faux pas. The most simple of these are the various penal code and vehicle code apps which do nothing other than to provide you with searchable databases of the various laws. These are really nothing more than e-books for your app but they are easy to search through and generally accurate and up to date. The only downside is that you need to download apps for the different places you’re in,’California Penal Code’ for instance, and that each of these are a couple of dollars. And they aren’t really designed for tourists being more suited to law students and quite wordy as a result.

One series of these apps then that you might prefer to use are the ‘DroidLaw’ apps. These apps were designed by an attorney and have a nice interface and broader use, but you can also get the main ‘DroidLaw’ app free. It’s still more for law students than travellers but it will still let you know what you need to know.      

One that is good in theory but fails in execution meanwhile is LawBuddy â?? an app that lets you select your region and then look at local laws for where you are. In concept this would be very useful, but unfortunately it freezes on many phones and force closes, while the information it gives you is just sourced from Wikipedia which you could have gotten yourself.

And that brings us on nicely to the next suggestion…

The Web

If you want to quickly check the traffic laws in a new country or state when you get there then you don’t need a flashy app as long as your browser is up and running. As with LawBuddy you could always this way just use Wikipedia, or alternatively you could look for something like Yahoo! Answers and the chances are that if you’re not sure, then other people have already asked the same question somewhere online for you to find.

A site that is particularly good for this is Just Answer, and if you find the law page for your country or state then there are many questions and answers here specific to the area of law that you can find rather quickly. And in fact for that matter you can even use any phone service that provides answers to questions and by looking for one in the area they can do the research for you even if you don’t have internet access…

Brian is a tech blogger and recommends that you use these tips to ensure you don’t get in trouble. He is currently writing for traffic lawyers and loves combining technology and law.

The smartphone is already the next big thing and will still be the next big thing to come. Don’t scratch that, it is the big thing no matter how much its size will shrink in the coming years.

For instance, the number of people owning iPhones is rapidly increasing and the number of apps is overwhelming.  This simple yet powerful gadget has sparked a revolution in how we conduct business and make money. It does not matter what profession you are in, the iPhone is the ultimate phone. It is no luxury but a business tool.

In the world of real estate, your business is determined by how fast you get information and how well you can sell it. Traditionally it concerned making the right connections, the right purchases and at times travelling from one place to another to assess the value of property. Technology has enabled you to do all that from the palm of your hands so get tapping. These 6 apps are a must-have for any successful realtor.

Locating Property

1. Zillow

This app is great and it is no wonder it has landed on every real estate review. If you do not have it yet, the only thing is to down load it right now.  This app is probably the only one that effectively allows you to get homes that are or sale depending on your location.

You can view places that have been recently sold using this app. This wonderful application can help you land a client within a matter of minutes. Show them the available property and cinch the deal by giving them confidence in your credibility by showing the sold property. The best news it is free to use it.

2. Google Maps and Google Earth

Yes, this has been around for a while now but the constant updates make it to beat the competition easily. Google Maps have just become better that before and customized for your iPhone3s or 4s. It allows you to get directions and view places on your phone.

Add it with the Street View App and you get to show clients what they can expect on their streets as they drive home. The Google Earth app has increased resolution and you can view every geographical detail of an area from the rivers to the trees and hills.

3. Around Me

Clients do not only want to move into a house but a home with a proper neighborhood. Around me enables you to market the neighborhood to them and close the deal. It shows all the surrounding amenities that they would be interested in. it also enables you to locate the right property for particular clients. Your client has a child, look or a house close to a school.

Additionally, it shows you the route to use from the house to the needed amenities. The news gets even better, you can email all this to a friend or to a client.

Entertaining Clients

4. Urbanspoon

Deals are sealed over lunch or dinner and it makes little sense to have to go miles away just to get your favorite restaurant. Get many favorites with the Urban Spoon. As you talk with your clients, find out their likes and tastes and impress them with a great meal at a lovely restaurant.

With urban spoon, you enter your location, the type of food and the amount you are willing to spend. It will automatically list for you the available restaurants. Instead of listing them all at once, it picks one for you. Check it out and if you would prefer another, just shake it up and pick another.

The Financing

5. Power One Financial Calculator

Never lose a client again because you were not able to calculate the interest rates in time or you got them wrong. The Power one financial calculator is a great app for your iPhone that gets them all.

It will get the mortgage payment for you in an instant, the compound interest charged, the investment income and other advanced equations you may want it to.  Math is as simple as A B C. Given the wonders it performs, it seems a great bargain buying it for 6 dollars.

The Organization

6. Evernote

You need something to help you organize yourself as well. The Evernote will take pictures notes and recordings. Gain valuable information on property using this app and send them to your computer for storage. Scouting for deals has never been easier.  The seamless connection between this app and your computer is awesome and no wonder many love it!

Brian is a real estate blogger with penchant for technology. His work with stella settlement agents allows him to use these great apps at work and he recommends them for all real estate professionals.

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By Arman Dezfuli-Arjomandi

Just for fun, this is a review of an app that slides sliders and will truly amaze and confuse your friends. Perhaps even more so than the latest 3D top grossing apps out there. Why? Because they’ll be rolling about laughing and won’t be able to resist having a go.

This game is so simple that if you don’t get how to play the game, then professional help needs to be sought. You simply slide the sliders across as fast as you can. Yep, that’s it.

This review is sure to make you chuckle, but also sure to make your eyes widen when I tell you that this has been a top 100 app in more than 25 countries?!

Sometimes simplicity and fun win over other more involved apps out there. I think that part of its appeal will be that it is an attention grabber for sure. Imagine sitting near friends and frantically swiping your iPhone like a crazed nutter. People are bound to look over with concern and be bemused by your odd behaviour.

You can choose from different slider slides options such as from right to left or left to right and you can even upgrade to gold sliders with the in-app purchase option. Friends will think you have definitely lost the plot purchasing gold sliders, so it would be worth the $1 just to see their reactions.

There are also different game modes such as ‘Doubles’ or ‘Achievements’ modes.

Fair play to the developer who put this addictive app together. The developer has made use of the iPhone’s slider button slides capabilities and produced a game that is a hit and a classic.

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