Textkraft for iOS by Infovole

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By Infovole e.K.
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Textkraft Professional is one of the best word processors on iOS. It costs $9.99 and is available on the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.


This app is so feature-full that we won’t even be able to cover all of the features it has available. While writing a word, you can look at the predicted words which you might want to tap on to write out instantly. You can also select any word and have it defined via Wikipedia or Wiktionary. Not to mention that words can be translated directly within this app.

Textkraft Professional also lets writers capitalize all of the letters in a selection of words, delete words in front of the cursor (versus erasing going backwards), insert checkmark boxes, wrap selected words in symbols, insert symbols, and share a paper.

The text editor also makes it easy to style font to be bold, italic, underlined, subscripted, highlighted, bullet-listed, and even header styled. With the selection feature, it’s also really easy to select text by words, sentences, or paragraphs. The selection feature also makes it easy to copy, cut, and paste selected text.

There’s also the movement slider which lets you move between characters and words, as well as scrolling, by simply moving the slider. The sentence and page up and down buttons let you move to the next sentence and page as well.

Users of this app can also protect their work using a passcode. They can even save their files to the cloud and access them from there as well.

Some users have been complaining about the new version’s theme updates and other problems they’ve had with running the app. Personally, I think Textkraft Professional looks great and functions just as well.


If you need a text editor you can trust, then Textkraft Professional is highly worth it. It’s pretty much as useful for a phone or tablet user to own as it is for a computer user to own Microsoft Word

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Genre: Productivity
Price: $8.99
Developer: Infovole e.K.
Size: 57.19M
Age Rating: 4+
Rated: 4.56522 by 46 customers.
Does what it says on the tin
User Experience
Getting Things Done
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Octavian is a technology enthusiast and blogger. He enjoys writing for App Comrade and keeping up with current trends. The last thing he would ever do is buy a pre-made computer from a store. He believes building your own computer is a great experience that everyone should try in their lifetime. On the side he likes experimenting with Linux, servers, and programming. He is not "l33t" or ever wishes to be, but he can manage well enough :) On top of running this site he also runs a web design service, an app marketing service and a web hosting service.


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