When you think of virtual reality you probably think of failed 1990â??s goggles. I know I do. Recently there was even talk of the Google Glasses which turn out to have been a lot of hype and no actual delivery. The features of the glasses Glasses donâ??t even look that promising. But thereâ??s something else on the horizon and its fast approaching.
Meet the Oculus Rift
The Oculus is an â??upcoming high field of view (FOV) consumer-priced virtual reality (VR) head-mounted display (HMD)â? created by Palmer Luckey. What does that mean for us? Well for starters the Oculus is virtual reality like never before. What was once a dream is actually now becoming reality. Itâ??s really, really, really cool.
The Oculus Rift
Field of view refers to the viewing angle that you have. When you play on the Xbox 360 you focus on a T.V. monitor. Any turns in the game will still be relative to the square T.V. monitor. Your focus never changes. But with the Oculus Rift you are fully immersed. When you turn your head in any game your entire field of view turns.
Any game works with the Oculus Rift. Would you like some clarification? Any PC game can easily be modified to work with the Oculus Rift. By the time it is commercially released most games will be able to be played via these new virtual reality goggles.
The Device Itself
The field of view is more than 90 degrees horizontally and the total resolution is 1280×800. The headset uses two separate screens for each eye. This creates a 3D stereoscopic effect that has an effective resolution of 640×800 for each eye. Basically each eye gets a different image just like in 3D movies and your brain combines the images to create a 3D effect.
To achieve the best virtual reality a low latency head tracker is used called Adjacent Reality Tracker. It utilizes 3-axis gyros, accelerometers, and magnetometers. The head tracking will control the field of view in game. How many devices do you own that you can be proud to say feature 3 gyros and magnetometers? If the answer is dismal you may want to buy this thing as soon as it comes out.
Virtual Reality
Currently you can preorder the Oculus Developer Kit and get access to the Oculus SDK for a mere price of $300.00 USD. The expected delivery date is January 2013, and thatâ??s when developers are going to get their hands on this awesome product.
The Funding
The virtual reality goggles themselves are homebrew. Pieces and bits of available technology can be put together into the Oculus Rift to create something amazing. Itâ??s easy to get the parts together and itâ??s cheap too.
The hard part is marketing. Oculus has to make sure that when they release these virtual reality goggles everyone will want them. Since nothing like this has never existed the game market is small. In fact there is no market. To create a market you need developers who will adopt virtual reality and who will incorporate stereoscopic view in their games. Really all they need to do is (1) incorporate the head tracking into the game, and (2) â??implement stereoscopic 3D rendering and optical distortion adjustment that produces the correct left/right eye on the deviceâ?. Any game that works on 3D T.V.â??s will work on these goggles. In fact Oculus will probably make a driver that automatically adds head tracking to games. A huge range of games may already be 100% compatible with the Oculus Rift.
Backers for Virtual Reality
So to get the market flowing Oculus will have to entice developers first. And they sure have enticed every developer and game enthusiast around. Their Kickstarter project asked for $250,000, and instead they got over $2.5 million funds invested in their goggles. 9,522 people are backing this developer kit to be precise. But thatâ??s all we can see publically. The Kickstarter has ended. Oculus has taken funding into their own hands and setup a pre-order page on their site. We can speculate that even more people have been investing in this amazing developer kit.
All the raised money is going into making the product better such as: bringing the refresh rate down so that the screens can achieve 60 frames per second. Although itâ??s believed our eyes canâ??t tell the difference between 30 FPS and 60 FPS itâ??s not the eyes the developers are raising the frame rates for. Itâ??s for our brains. Eye tracking is so precise that your brain can detect low frames in the virtual reality goggles. Many early users of the Oculus rift noticed a lag in the visuals. This is because your eyes track motion way faster than the 15 â?? 30 milliseconds refresh rates on the screens. One of the main goal of Oculus is to bring the refresh rate down to single digits to improve the lag when eye tracking.
What others have to say
The lucky people that have gotten to try the early prototypes (held together by duct tape) have been amazed by the level of immersement.
Even the current CEO Brenden Iribe was skeptical when the startup approached him with Oculus Rift. He has this to say about the actual experience, â??Then you click it on and youâ??re like, â??Oh shit, this is amazingâ??â?.
Iâ??ll tell you this right now. The goggles themselves are perfect and out of this world. This is simply the most innovative product we have seen since the invention of gaming consoles. It is hot. It may possibly fail but the way everything is looking right now is great.
John Carmack is a head leader and believer of the Oculus Rift. He is the co-founder of Id Software and head developer of Commander Keen, Wallenstein 3D, Doom, Quake, Rage and their sequels. During a presentation on virtual reality at QuakeCon 2012 Michael Abrash of Valve said â??I personally would like to get our games running on the Rift and make it a great experience and then ship it for that, I would like to do that. Whether that will be the case, whether weâ??ll be able to make it work that well and whether weâ??ll think the experience is that great, thatâ??s not my decisionâ?.
So far the expectancy of seeing this product explode is really high.
One small issue:
When you use a controller to turn in game your entire field of view will turn as well. Your brain wonâ??t detect head movement similar to the visuals. Imagine turning around 360 degrees in game while you only moved your head 140 degrees. That might cause some issues that people are discussing.
Not to worry. Oculus is already on it. They will be dynamically changing the point of view and making sure the latency is as low as possible to eliminate motion sickness. When you are playing say Modern Warfare 3 on your T.V. you center of the T.V. is always your crosshair. What Oculus is saying is that they are going to dynamically change this center point to fix the issue.
Most likely the issue will be eradicated by the time it is released for consumers. No one has really reported too much dizziness after using the virtual reality goggles more than once. The only problem is if you use your head to turn it will make it hard to turn around all the way. But if you use your controller to turn 360 and your head remains stationary it will really mess with your head.
As for eye strain there will be none. Eye-crossing, headaches, out-of-sync effect, and so forth will not be a symptom of using these goggles as is common with 3D glasses or head mounts that are close to your eyes. When using the Rift â??your eyes are actually focused and converged in the distance at all times. Itâ??s a pretty neat optical feature, for sureâ?.  Palmer Luckey, the founder of Oculus Rift, says that all the optics make it â??appear as if you are looking at a huge screen focused at infinityâ?.
Line convergence
The screens warp the image around your field of vision that creates the illusion of reality. Straight lines slightly curve into the center. Iâ??m not an optics specialist but I figure this is because our eyes are round and light enters in at an angle, thus lines arenâ??t going to look 100% straight.
With such a great product in the making itâ??s interesting to see what sharks will come in for the kill. We can expect Google, Microsoft, Sony, andâ?¦ Possibly Apple may have their eyes on this technology. Not necessarily for the purpose of gaming but for the purpose of full immersion. If a big investor picks up Oculus Rift it will certainly make a lot of game enthusiasts very happy and prices are going to drop. Then competition would be very interesting afterwardsâ?¦
Doom 3 BFG comes with the developer kit and is the first game to officially support the Oculus Rift. Epic Games, have also announced that their engine Unreal, will integrate support for the Oculus Rift. The Unity engine has also announced support for the Oculus Rift. Star Citizen, a space simulator that is yet to be released is also supporting Oculus Rift. Hawken is an online shooter that will also support this new virtual reality.
John Carmack also stated that he is going to heavily integrate Doom 4 with the Oculus rift.
The future is looking good after all 🙂
Can’t wait for the Oculus Rift to come out? Don’t want to put it together? Can’t afford to pay $300 for a prototype? Have no worries! Hasbro is here! With my3D you can get 2% of the Oculus experience for 3% of the price!
Image from: Robert Radford / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Today, flying internationally is affordable, and almost routine for many people. Sending devices into near space is done as a publicity stunt, and instant, wireless communication is so common that most people donâ??t even stop to think about how amazing it is that theyâ??re using a handheld, battery powered device to communicate with people across the other side of the world.
Itâ??s easy to dismiss teleportation and invisibility cloaks as being the stuff of science fiction, but many of the things that we use routinely today were staples of sci-fi just 50 years ago. If we can imagine something, scientists will inevitably strive to achieve it. Letâ??s take a look at some of the technologies that science fiction made popular and that are now part of reality.
The Submarine
Jules Verne is often credited with â??inventingâ? the submarine, but the machine he wrote about was actually inspired by one that had been used by the Confederacy a few years before he wrote Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea. Verne took the stories he had heard, and tried to imagine what a submarine could do in a more refined form.
Today, going deep under water is pretty routine; you can even take submarine tours when youâ??re on holiday.
The Radar
In 1911, Hugo Gernsback wrote about a â??pulsating polarized ether waveâ? that could be used to detect large objects. His description was detailed enough that it could be classed as a prediction, rather than just a description of some strange and fantastic device. A working form of radar was finally developed in 1933. Today, radars are an essential part of aviation.
Automatic Sliding Doors
While automatic sliding doors donâ??t sound that exciting, thereâ??s some pretty cool technology powering them. The first door that opened under its own power was created about 2000 years ago by Heron of Alexandria; he used steam and pressure to make temple doors open and close. The part that belonged in the realm of science fiction was the â??automaticâ? part. H.G. Wells described automatic sliding doors back in 1899 in When the Sleeper Wakes. He wrote about two men that â??walked straight to the dead wall of the apartment opposite the archwayâ? of course, instead of walking into the wall, â??a long strip of this apparently solid wall rolled up with a snapâ?.
Today, automatic doors are so common that weâ??re more likely to be confused when a door doesnâ??t open for us, than when it does.
The Atomic Bomb
Several authors wrote about an â??atomic bombâ? before the bomb was invented, but H.G. Wells is generally credited with having popularized the term. In 1914, Wells wrote about a scientist that â??set up atomic disintregration in a minute particle of bismuth; it exploded with great violence into a heavy gas of radio-activityâ?. Manhattan Project scientist Leo Szilard said that he believed Wellsâ?? forecast of the applications of atomic energy could prove to be more accurate than the forecasts made by scientists.
This article was written by Amy Fowler on behalf of Automatic Access, suppliers of automatic sliding doors. Visit their site to find out more about automatic sliding doors.
Despite many children knowing how to turn the computer on and do basic point and click tasks by the time they are five years old, there are still many people out there to whom a computer is a total mystery, something with unspeakable powers and something to be afraid of.
They fear that a single click of the mouse or push of a button in the wrong place and a catastrophe will happen. Itâ??s hardly surprising they think that way when you see what the film makers in Hollywood say that they can do.
You Can Blow Anything Up with the Push of a Button
Take the film â??Die Hardâ?? or â??Life Freeâ?? for example, a team of criminal hackers gain control of a mainframe system that apparently gives them a range of powers that can only be surpassed by God. They hack into a traffic lights network, hack into a webcam managing to physically move it and then hack into what must be the brain of a pilot in a fighter jet and get him to open fire onto the public. Plus they now have the ability to cause an explosion in underground gas pipes, itâ??s no wonder some people worry about switching their machine on.
Computers Help You Steal
Take the film â??Swordfishâ??, the entire premise seems to be built around logging in, hacking in and then going wherever you like, stealing what you like, using hacking as a method of stealing whatever they could from the government. As if anyone could transfer a massive $9.5m to an outside account without anyone raising an eyebrow, and the account in which the money was held didnâ??t have a security system around it as good as a virtual Fort Knox.
A Hacker can Access Your Computer and Destroy Your Life
For this reference we look to â??The Netâ??. Hackers can access someoneâ??s files and completely rewrite their identity, even altering the perceptions of her family and friends, leaving her to run from both the hackers that are doing this to her and the police who now believe she is a criminal. This film follows the premise that the internet, which has tendrils reaching into all kinds of places can be manipulated to â??make things happenâ??. Scary stuff.
Computers are on the Verge of Becoming Self Aware
The list of offending films in this category is extensive, from â??War Gamesâ?? to â??Terminatorâ?? and plenty in between. Somehow when left to its own devices a computer, being bored, will start thinking for itself and then start linking itself up with other computers in all kinds of different machines, making everything with a silicon chip self aware, of course the machines then turn against the humans. The next thing you know you have man running from the machines and the end of the world as we know it. No wonder people are wary about turning on their computers, never mind leaving them on stand-by, they probably donâ??t look at their toaster the same way anymore.
If you are looking for a way to save yourself some money each month when it comes to energizing your house then you may want to consider solar power.
This technology is not only going to help keep you from spending too much of your hard earned money but it is also going to help the environment.
Whether you are choosing to add this technology to your home or your business, we are sure you are going to love what you find. Since so many people have been asking us about solar power lately, we thought it was about time that we discussed some of the benefits with you so you can know exactly what you may be getting yourself into. We think you are going to be pleasantly surprised by just how much solar power can help you and your unique energy needs.
It’s Extremely Simple to Install
While other systems can be pretty tough to install, leaving you no choice but to have someone come to your home or business and install it for you; solar power isn’t this way. You can actually install it on your own. There are plenty of how-to videos online as well as affordable books on the market to help you select the proper panels, sizes and all of that. So, you are never going to have to wonder if you are on the right track or not. Even if you are not a do-it-yourselfer, we are confident that you will be able to get the job done quickly and effectively; we have had many people come to us in complete shock over just how simple it was to complete the entire project.
Solar Power Pays For Itself Quickly
One of the things many customers love about solar power is the fact that it pays for itself very quickly. Sure, it’s not the most affordable option in the beginning but each month you are going to have so much money left over that you probably aren’t even going to know what to do with it all. On top of that, these systems are going to last you a very long time. They are as close to maintenance free as you can get and are absolutely silent so you are never going to have to stress over all the noises you are hearing and wonder whether or not something is wrong with your system. Plus, when there are changes that are needed to be made, they are very affordable so you won’t have to worry about that.
Help the Environment and Your Wallet
Green house gases are something more and more people are paying close attention to. Because of this, more people are turning towards electronics that are ENERGY STAR approved and cars that no longer run on gas. If you aren’t yet ready to take on those types of things but still wish there was something you could do, then this is your lucky day. Solar power actually completely eliminates green house gases so you can rest assured that you are helping out your family by keeping them warm and in the light, without harming the environment. This means, you are creating a much better future for your children and generations to come; by keeping the amount of pollution in the world down to a minimum. You should definitely feel good in taking your part, no matter how small it may seem.
You Don’t Have to Live in the City to Enjoy the Benefits
In the past, you pretty much had no choice but to live in the city if you wanted to get the benefits that come along with solar power and other natural forms of energy. The great news that we have for you today is; you do not have to live near “the grid”. You can actually be completely on your own out in the middle of nowhere and still get the energy that your family requires. With things becoming this simple, there is no reason that you shouldn’t at the very least check out your options and get a few different price options because we think you are going to be glad you did.
What the Future Holds
While it’s hard to say exactly what is to come in the future, we see solar energy and other forms of energy being used more than anything else. Of course, it is going to take a bit of time for people to jump on the wagon but if you are taking that leap of faith now; you are going to be glad you did. There are so many technological advancements in the works and we are excited to be a part of it before it completely takes the world by storm.
Shaun Johnson is an environmental activist who strongly recommends the inclusion of off grid solar powered technology that will help reduce the carbon footprint of our environment.
There is an array of hobbies people can engage themselves in in order to pass time productively.
Usually people indulge in these hobbies for the purpose of leisure and passion. A majority of hobbies involve collecting as well as creative and artistic activities, while others involve sports, education and tinkering. Engaging in hobbies is believed to help acquire skill, experience and knowledge; however others use these hobbies in other ways that often end up with trouble. Here are a few hobbies that are wrongly used that lead hobbyists to deal with the law.
Many of us have the gift of art that we use by drawing an array of pictures. The right way to draw art is on paper or on a canvas, but quite a few have taken it to extremes by doing graffiti instead. Many graffiti artists claim that their works of graffiti are an expression of art, but to property owners who have had their properties vandalized by works of graffiti, this is not true. In fact, graffiti has been known to be associated with gangsters and it is considered illegal in many communities. Nevertheless, there are certain communities that do allow graffiti, but in specified spaces only.
Coin and Antique Collecting
Collecting has always been one of the favorite hobbies throughout the world. Quite a number of collectors focus on antiques and rare coins because of their history, worth and beauty. In fact, there are various channels for collectors to acquire such items both locally and online. Since this hobby has become quite popular, it has attracted plenty of scammers selling fake coins and antiques while others sell these items illegally. Some collectors are informed or are aware that their items of interest are stolen, yet they continue to purchase stolen wares which are also illegal.
There are many forms of gambling and many games are enjoyed along with gambling. For pleasure and leisure people tend to gamble very small amounts of money, but it can become very addictive that usually lead people to gamble larger amounts of money and even other valuables. People still continue to gamble during card games such as bridge, poker and even bingo. Their gatherings have often led to trouble with the law because of the high stakes, heated arguments and fights when a person or group cannot accept the fact that he had lost or when one player believes that he was cheated on. Today those who enjoy card games play online and gamble online as well.
Fast / Racing Cars
Quite a number of young men and women these days have an interest for fast cars and motorbikes. Many are interested in the mechanical aspects of cars and bikes, while the rest have a preference to operate them. There is nothing wrong in enjoying fast cars and bikes, but it can also cause plenty of trouble with the law and even lead to untimely deaths. Illegal racing and reckless driving are constantly reported in the news and the negligent parties are often those who enjoy maintaining and operating these vehicles as a hobby.
There is nothing wrong in these hobbies if done the proper way. Getting into trouble with the law for going into extremes with your hobby is simply not worth it. Nevertheless, if you do find yourself in trouble, consult with a legal professional.
Valerie Clearwater is a freelance writer specializing in criminal law. She regularly contributes articles to legal websites where a well experienced massachusetts criminal defense attorney can be consulted.
I do not think there is a gamer alive who has not heard of Atari. I know as a kid that the Atari 2600 we had in our back room got a ton of play time.
Some of my favourite Atari games as a child were The Smurfs, Solaris, Warlords, and even the somewhat less than arcade perfect port of Donkey Kong. Atari really did have the gaming world by the balls, but it all went terribly wrong. I want to take a look at Atari and there rise and fall in a somewhat simplified version.
Of course the first thing that many people think of when it comes to Atari is the Atari 2600 and many of the classic Atari games on that system, but they actually were involved in gaming before that console was released with there arcade releases.
To say that the Atari 2600 was a huge hit really is an understatement. People just fell in love with this machine and many gamers out there all have there own personal favourite Atari games. People were able to play the games they played in the arcade on a Friday and Saturday night. Sure many were not arcade perfect, but just being able to do this was amazing.
The people behind the scenes at Atari decided that the console would have about 3 years of life they felt. So they got to work on a real beast of a gaming machine that would go on to be the Atari 5200. Before this however Atari jumped into the home computer market with there Atari 400 and 800 computers to take on the Apple computers. The Atari 5200 in many people eyes is a failure of a gaming system, but it did have some charm to it. The main issue people had was the controllers that simply put were very unreliable. Overall the 5200 was kind of a failure as a video game system.
Also around the mid 80â??s Atari would release the first Atari ST home computer. My elder brother had one of the late models of Atari ST and some of the Atari games on that computer were amazing. The Atari ST went head to head with the Amiga and I think I would have to say lost the war. But the Atari ST did produce some truly fantastic games. Many of which were on par with early Sega Mega Drive games at the time.
The Atari 5200 Video Console System
In 1986 Atari released the Atari 7800. I loved the Atari 7800 and I still do I feel that it does not get the love it deserves. I know that in the USA they got these god awful joysticks, but here in the UK we got these awesome controllers that resembled the NES and Sega Master System. Sadly at the time it was relapsed the NES and Master System from a technical point of view blew the Atari 7800 out of the water. So it never really had a chance in hell of being a huge seller. Many gamers though my self included love the system. It is even backwards compatible with Atari 2600 games making it have one huge video game library. And if your a Donkey Kong fan this has a great port.
During 1989 Atari decided that they were going to go for the hand held market and released there beast of a system the Atari Lynx. Despite being a monster in terms of power it just did not interest the third party developers. While there were some really good Atari games the system just never made that much of an impact. There was a re released Atari Lynx 2 that released a little later to try once again to make a splash in the hand held market, but it never happened. The Atari Lynx now looking back was an incredibly ambitious console and perhaps that was the problem.
Atari decided that they were also going to get back into the console market and they were going to make the most powerful system anyone had ever seen the Atari Jaguar. Atari wanted to make a system that blew the SNES and Mega Drive out of the water, but they also wanted to do it cost effectively. A well know fact is that the Jaguar was going to be the successor to another system called the Atari Panther. But as work was going much faster than anyone imagined on the Jaguar it was decided to dump the 32-bit Panther and just go for the 64-bit Jaguar.
Whether or not the Jaguar is 64-bit is widely debated. As the majority of the games do not look that much better than what was on offer on the SNES and Mega Drive. But there were some games Alien vs Predator for example shows just what this machine could do when developers took the time to get to grips with the machine.
The system did not sell anywhere near as good as Atari thought it would. But work was already far along on the CD attachment to the Jaguar so it was decided that it would still be released in very limited numbers. This CD unit is quite sought after by developers, but it does have a very small library of games. The Jaguar would prove to be the last console from Atari. Looking back now the system does have many good features, but trying to go up against the SNES and Mega Drive was always going to be a tough battle.
Atari has changed hands many times over the years. But there legacy still lives on to this day. There is a few different plug in and play systems that let gamers relive those old days of playing there Atariâ??s. From my point of view as a gamer Atari had some ground breaking ideas, but I always felt it was there execution of many of these ideas that let them down.
Made by the United States Playing Card Company since 1880, Bicycle cards have become synonymous with quality and style by magicians who use the cards for speciality card tricks.
The Bicycle brand has an interesting and illustrious history, which includes involvement in three wars, and a famous magician.
Special Wartime Decks
During World War II, the United States Playing Card Company worked alongside the US government to design special decks of cards to send to American prisoners of war in Germany. Placed in the middle of each individual card was a piece of paper which, when joined together with the other pieces, formed a map indicating where escape routes were within the camp. All the prisoners of war had to do to reveal this information was to moisten each playing card, and the two sides of the card peeled apart.
 The Ace Of Spades
Believe it or not, the very sight of this card caused the Viet Cong soldiers during the Vietnam War, to run away in fright and horror. Apparently they believed that this card foretold death and suffering, and if they saw it many soldiers were not prepared to stay and fight. The United States Playing Card Company sent decks that contained only the ace of spades to help the soldiers in Vietnam, as the cards were scattered throughout the jungle and in villages during raids, in order to frighten the Viet Cong troops.
Bicycle cards also helped soldiers to identify powerful enemy tanks, planes and ships by reproducing images of their structure and shape onto the playing cards, and sending them out to soldiers in action.
 War Against Terrorism
In 1993, the United States Playing Card Company designed a range of special card decks identifying the most wanted members of Iraqâ??s government. In one week, 750,000 of these â??most wantedâ?? decks were sold.
The year 2010 saw Bicycle playing cards celebrate its 125th birthday, and in the same year the United States Playing Card Company agreed to design a range of cards specifically for magicians. This move was inspired by David Blaine.
The design and feel of these special playing cards make it easier for magicians to handle and perform their tricks to the best of their ability. Greater strength and flexibility than standard playing cards means that these cards keep their shape for a longer time, and are easier to manipulate during a magic trick. Sleight of hand is enhanced, allowing magicians to baffle their audience even more.
This article is one of many on this topic, written by David Hamer, online author.
Every year, a growing number of criminals leverage the power of the Internet for illegal purposes.
This is true both domestically and internationally. Internet security has long been an issue.  However, it has become increasingly important over the past decade. While most people understand there are inherent Internet security risks they are exposed to, they don’t have the answers to basic cyber-crime questions.
Why Does Someone Become a Target of Cyber-Crime?
To develop an effective Internet security strategy, it is essential for everyone to understand why they are targets of cyber-crime. Information is incredibly valuable to criminals. This includes both personal and business data. Personal information such as bank accounts, credit cards, and even Social Security numbers are often stored on a personal computer or third-party websites managed by banks, stores, and government agencies. Cyber criminals are constantly attempting to steal this information because it can be used for identity theft and financial fraud (credit card fraud and fraudulent bank withdrawals). With such a high value placed on this information, it is no surprise a majority of Internet security threats is targeting it.
How Do Cyber Criminals Mount an Attack?
There are a variety of ways a person exposes themselves to Internet security risks. The most important thing to keep in mind is that anytime someone connects to the Internet, they make themselves a potential target. Criminals rely on automated tools which scan for unprotected or vulnerable devices, especially at Wi-Fi hotspots. A majority of cyber-crime victims were subject to a random attack, although some people are specifically targeted.
Two Common Types Attacks
There are two common types of attacks cyber criminals use. The first type of attack is used to steal personal information and is one of the most common Internet security risks. Common examples of this include Trojans and spyware. These perform stealthy and unexpected actions such as allowing the attacker to access the device remotely. Hackers also use the userâ??s device to facilitate an attack. Much like criminals who steal cars in order to commit a crime, cyber criminals hijack devices. The devices are either used as a storage facility or to launch attacks against others.
What Can the Average Person Do to Protect Themselves?
There are many steps the average person can take to protect themselves from common Internet security threats. A majority of Internet security risks can be minimized by combining well-known protection technologies and common sense.
Easy Internet Security Steps:
·        Keep all software up-to-date (use the auto-update feature whenever possible)
·        Use available technologies (anti-virus and anti-spyware software)
·        Donâ??t respond to or click on unsolicited emails
·        Donâ??t open attachments in unsolicited emails
·        Never enter personal information on a pop-up screen
·        Only make online transactions if the web page is secure (look for https instead of http at the beginning of the web address)
A majority of Internet security risks can be minimized by combining well-known protection technologies and common sense.
Peter Henderson is a writer with an interest in various internet services and technologies such as VPNs for USA. His articles provide information on online security, privacy, and freedom.
There are a number of different ways you can raise capital to start your business. One of the new tips you can consider is crowdfunding.
Crowdfunding sites give you the opportunity to pitch your content to people all over the world who may share a common vision. Entrepreneurs who have a great business idea will probably find no shortage of people who are willing to endorse it. You can reach a larger audience and arenâ??t subject to all of the SEC regulations startups are otherwise forced to abide by.
Unfortunately, crowdfunding isnâ??t necessarily an easy way to raise money for your business. You may run into challenges if you have trouble raising funds if you donâ??t go about it the right way.
You also need to be careful how you go about crowdfunding your business. People who endorse your business are depending on you to follow through with your promises. Failure to live up to your obligations can destroy your businessâ?? brand name or land you in court.
Be Realistic
Does your idea really have any merit? You are making a promise to your investors. They have an obligation to use their own judgment, but you also have an obligation to make sure that you arenâ??t making obscene promises to them.
Make sure youâ??ve done your research and can show that your project can actually work. Some of the best ideas can fail and investors have to share that risk with you. However, you donâ??t want the idea to fail due to negligence on your part. That could weigh on your conscience and open you up to potential lawsuits.
Getting the Necessary Funding
There is no guarantee that you will raise any money through crowdfunding. You are going to need to be proactive about selling your idea and showing that you are serious about making it work. Here are several things you will need to take into consideration:
Sell your idea well. Donâ??t expect complete strangers were just going to give you money because you asked them. You are going to need to convince them that your idea has some merit.
Give an incentive. People are investing in your business because they want something in return. You will need to offer them a share of your future earnings if you intend to get them to back you.
Promote your project as much as possible. Investors will probably be reluctant to invest in a company that theyâ??ve never heard of before. Put them at ease by making sure they understand who you are and what you are working on. There are a number of ways to get the word out about your project. Try to create a great idea that you can sell through your social networks. You will have a much better chance of gaining funding if your idea has gone viral.
Understand the Regulations
There are a number of laws you need to understand if you are going to try to raise money through a crowdfunding site. All crowfunding is regulated by a number of federal agencies, including the Securities and Exchange Commission. You could be slapped with serious fines or threatened with imprisonment. Also, unhappy investors could sue you if they feel you didnâ??t live up to your obligations or deliberately misled them.
Make sure that you take all necessary precautions to ensure you donâ??t face any civil or criminal charges.
Be careful which sites you use. There are a number of sites out there that claim to be crowdfunding sites. However, all crowdfunding is regulated by the Crowdfund Act, a provision in the JOBS Act signed by Barrack Obama in 2009. The Crowdfund Act stipulates that certain documents must be disclosed to the IRS, SEC and individual investors. Also, sites complying with the law must make sure investors understand the risks involved. You donâ??t want to invest in another site, because inexperienced investors who donâ??t understand the risks could file a lawsuit against you.
Seek legal advice. There are a number of provisions in the Crowdfund Act that you need to be aware of. They stipulate what you can use your funds for and when you need to file with the SEC. You should seriously consider consulting an attorney before you seek any funding.
You will need to invest some funds as well. Donâ??t expect that you can place all of the risk on your investors. The Crowdfund Act requires that you invest some of your own money in the startup before investors have to pay you a dime.
Crowdfunding can be a great way to raise money. However, you can also run into a number of complications. This is a new concept and you will need to take a variety of measures to make sure that you can raise the capital you are looking for and donâ??t end up facing legal charges.