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CapitalsWorldQuiz makes it really easy for anyone of any age to learn the capitals of the world. You can use CapitalsWorldQuiz to check how many capitals you already know, and you can also use it to learn the capitals as well.

You can choose from 25, 50, or 100 question quizzes. There are over 300 questions which are randomly picked. If you get a correct answer you receive a point, but if youâ??re wrong youâ??re told the right answer and receive no points. At the end of the quiz you see how what percent of questions you answered correctly. Thereâ??s also an option to share you score with the leaderboard.

In addition to all of these features thereâ??s an info tab about the app, a notes tab where you can take notes, and a contact tab where you can suggest quiz questions to the developer.

Mission Accomplished

The app has many questions and provides a simple UI. By using CapitalsWorldsQuiz you will definitely be able to learn the capitals around the world.

Room to improve

While testing this app I did not stumble upon any problems, glitches, or otherwise bad experiences.


Whether youâ??re trying to learn the capitals for fun or for an upcoming geography bee, then CapitalsWorldsQuiz will help you achieve your goals. If you need to learn the capitals then this $1 app is definitely worth it.

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Size: NAN
Age Rating:
Content depth
User interface
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Octavian is a technology enthusiast and blogger. He enjoys writing for App Comrade and keeping up with current trends. The last thing he would ever do is buy a pre-made computer from a store. He believes building your own computer is a great experience that everyone should try in their lifetime. On the side he likes experimenting with Linux, servers, and programming. He is not "l33t" or ever wishes to be, but he can manage well enough :) On top of running this site he also runs a web design service, an app marketing service and a web hosting service.


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