Have You Heard Of These 4 Smartphone Banking Apps?

It’s undeniable that smartphones have brought about a revolution. With these devices, you can do anything from finding your direction when you are lost to calculating the amount of calories in the sandwich you are just about to bite into.

So widespread is the smartphone revolution that employers are even now allowing employees to bring them to the office, and work from them.

With such a powerful device, the ability to make voice calls easily becomes one of the most trivial functionalities. You can do almost everything with it, yes, even banking. For those of you who would just love the convenience of doing all your banking transactions in the comfort of your living room couch, smartphones are the answer. This article is dedicated to those smartphones, and the apps that make it all possible.


Available to both Android phones and iPhones, this app is great for those who want to keep track of many bank accounts at the same time. It allows you to access all your accounts and organize them, including your credit card expenses.

It is more than a banking app too; it allows you to keep records of bills and important dates thus ensuring you are always on time with payments. It also allows you to keep up track of your investments and even your frequent flier miles.

If you ever need to work from your computer instead, the app supports it. You can use it as a web application on your PC.


This is the app version of PayPal, with the same functionalities, allowing you to do online payments and the like. However, this app has an extra feature that makes it stand out from your traditional PayPal and this is â??Bumpâ?. This functionality is accessible when both you and the other party have the application. It facilitates easy transfer of cash from one smartphone to another, and is great for small business owners who major on small, quick transactions.

The app also helps you manage your finances by tracking your budget and reminding you when it is time to pay your bills.

Wallet applications

The Google Wallet app has come into our world and is based on a principle that allows your phone to act as a credit card. It works by taking advantage of points where there are near fields of communication (NFCs). You simply wave your phone close to such a terminal or pass it through it and the payment is initiated immediately.

You can store your coupons and loyalty points on this wallet too and they will be taken into consideration while your payment is being made.

The downside with the Google wallet is that it only works with particular Citibank credit cards, which means you either have to abandon the one you have and apply for one there, or stock up on Google funds by loading your prepaid fund.

Visa have also created their own wallet, which is to be unveiled soon. The wallet promises to be a bit more advanced, allowing you to store all your payment information on it and quickly choose the credit card you would like to use to make a payment just before it is made.

The company further claims that you will be able to store information pertaining to a third party and use it, just as you would with PayPal, and that person-to-person transactions will be supported.

While all this is yet to be seen, it is clear that the future is with wallet applications and though they are basically being used for payments only at the moment, technology is sure to advance.

USAA mobile banking

Having always been ahead in terms of technology, it is no wonder that the USAA bank already has its own mobile banking application, and a pretty good one at that. The app allows you to access your USAA account through it quite easily and do your transactions without having to visit the bank. It allows you to trade in your investment accounts and even make mobile deposits.

Mobile apps are the new convenient way to access your bank accounts and they do all your banking transactions hassle free. As long as you have a secure network, you can even forget completely about having to visit your bank ever again!

Nick Thomas is a finance expert and consultant. He has written many articles regarding personal finance for  DebtConsolidation.com.au and recommends using online calculators to find interest and EMIs

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