Iron Dragon – to be Released Soon

If you read our Eyetuner Photo Editor app review, or you used it at some point, then you’re familiar with the app developing team called Wiremuch. If you’ve used their apps before, then you’ll know that they are really quality apps that are worth trying out.

Today we want to inform you about a game Wiremuch is releasing within the next week. It’s a free iOS retro fighter, and you’ll love every bit of it.


Iron Dragon starts off with the main character having his sister kidnapped by the Tiny Ninja Thief clan. As soon as the brother hears the news, he sets out to save her from the evil clan. However he can’t do it alone. His sister’s friend can provide upgrades and tools that will help him succeed against the increasingly difficult enemies and boss rounds.

In addition to this game having a well developed mini-storyline, it also has a great retro style. The music and graphics are all on par with retro games that many of us have come to love. Picking up Iron Dragon and playing it for a couple of minutes is likely to bring back Nintendo nostalgia.

If you’re looking forward to getting this game, then you should sign up for a notification on their site which will tell you when the games come out. Also once you sign up, you can invite friends with a special link that earns you raffle points for a $15 iTunes gift card give away.

Expect us to review this game in detail 🙂

App Icon

Size: NAN
Age Rating:
Looks amazing
Developer track record
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Octavian is a technology enthusiast and blogger. He enjoys writing for App Comrade and keeping up with current trends. The last thing he would ever do is buy a pre-made computer from a store. He believes building your own computer is a great experience that everyone should try in their lifetime. On the side he likes experimenting with Linux, servers, and programming. He is not "l33t" or ever wishes to be, but he can manage well enough :) On top of running this site he also runs a web design service, an app marketing service and a web hosting service.


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