Using this app you can stay up to date with anime and manga series, video games, and art work. You can also browse anime episodes for free and choose to read any anime book from over 13,000 series.
Mission Accomplished
The user interface is very clean and customizable. Actually, the default theme is called clean. Can you believe it?
In addition to looking great, this app also functions like a charm. Not to mention that AnimeHub offers titles from all anime and manga categories ranging from Shounen and Seinen to Fantasy and Ecchi; so no matter what type of anime you’re into, you’ll have a wide selection to choose from. Saying all of this, the app is only 10MB so it downloads quickly and doesn’t take up a lot of space.
Room to improve
I’m not really sure what the database tab is for in this app. I think a quick intro when you first open AnimeHub would be great for educating the “newbies” like me.
If you’re into anime or manga then this app is as much a must-have as the phone app is for an iPhone owner. There’s no doubt about the value of this app for anime/manga lovers. The good news is that it’s free and there are no in-app purchases, so you get the best experience without having to buy anything.
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